I love those billboards that say in big block letters: Watch This Space.
I promise a thorough update on Thursday. I went skiing, I am still alive. I may have broken a few bones in my face I was laughing so hard, and I have a bruise the size of the palm of my hand in a not-so-convenient place, but it was fun and I have a new goal- to conquer faire du ski. You would think it'd be easy, but it's not. It's downright hilarious, and I got hit so many times by chairs, snow, and other skiers. And everyone was right- snow is not your friend, and it hurts. Hurts like hell when you hit it going God-knows-how-many miles per hour. "Just fall!" they say. "Just fall!"
Just fall.
And that's about all I did.
Saturday we went to Avignon. I saw the Pont and learned the song. I saw the Palais des Papes and the church and the gardens. I experienced the wind of the "windy city" of France. Its a medieval city and everything important is so close to each other. It was nice.
And as a result of the cold snow, the wind, and a lot of activity, I am sick. Once again. And sick on Valentine's Day is not the most fun thing in the world. Im a bit homesick today and miss my friends and family. So I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines.
Last year, my Valentine was Austin (a la Carrie in Sex and the City) This year, my Valentine is Grenoble. And what a treat she gave me this morning when, as I walked to the bus stop, I was greeted by the sun rising over BellDonne, tinging the peaks a delicate pink. Its not extremely cold today, and I couldnt ask for a clearer sky.
And also, I got chocolates in my class. And did you know in China they have a day for single people? Like Valentines but only if youre single? Yeah. And my professor asked the Chinese kids in our class what they did to celebrate and one boy answered with "Pleurer." (Cry)
It was freakin' hilarious.
Groses bises et une bonne journee
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