Time slips away like heartbeats....
Time flies when you're having fun. And it did. I pulled off the hardest semester of my college career with a good GPA, and now the day to leave the country is rapidly approaching.
Today is Monday, and I am leaving on Saturday. I fly out of Houston IAH at 3:20pm and land in Philly at 7:20pm. From there, I search frantically for the international terminal (reference to India and I and our search for our international flight out of O'Hare this last summer...at least we found a leprechaun to lead the way!) and depart Philly (sans cheesesteak sandwich) at 8:20pm. From there, I will arrive in Paris at Charles de Gaulle at 9:45am the 8th of January. I'll be in Paris Sunday night and all day Monday. Tuesday we travel to Versailles and then Wednesday we take a train at 14:30 to Grenoble where our families will welcome us with open arms at the train station at 17:30. I am trying to get used to military time. I am trying to finish my extensive to-do list: sign forms, fill out the FAFSA, obtain my W-2 so I can file electronically while overseas, call the bank so they don't think my card has been stolen, look at registering for summer classes, etc. And all the while trying to get every last second with family and friends in Houston. And Daniel is even coming to spend Wednesday with me.
What a wonderful, exciting way to begin this new year. I have no clue what this all has in store for me, but I am overwhelmingly anxious for it all to begin.
Bring on the refried beans and tortillas- I have to eat them all I can before Saturday. ;)
Hi Chelsea, it's Cheryl from Ramos'. Have a great trip!!! I plan to check in on your adventures every so often. See u this summer. Later...
Chelsea! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to hear everything! Have a wonderful trip, and remember to cherish everything about this amazing journey.
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